The blackberries were not finished as i thought they were. With rain, comes mold. And a wet, spider-laden, hazardous thorn bush with bunches of berries now sopped together, morphed into a different dangerous thing, a moldy mass, seems to be a great place to avoid.
But a safe way in was found - late season berry picking. Jam was made before the first rains, which came early. But the freezer bags were only one quarter full. When a picker was spotted after the rain, blackberry hope was rekindled.
Again armed with closed shoes, denim and determination to top up the freezer component of the berry harvest, our intrepid gleaner went forth. To return with buckets full of shiny, perfect blackberries.
The jam is made, the freezer full and the wounds are a few scratches and stings. And a lesson was learned about rain, berries and perseverance.