After a late night high tide on a full moon everything changes.
The once stark sand bars of the Sooke River delta have began to glow green with new life. Green like a tennis ball, or a lime popsicle, these new plant varieties take on unnatural shades of green. It matches the baby geese's plumage. And many new birds need for food.
During the full moon, the tides take more severe swings; higher highs, lower lows. It was a rainy night too, so the river estuary gets full and life at the water's edge changes.
The morning's low tide exposes a tree top of the same new-life green, grounded on the beach. It's a branch from a large Big leaf maple and its budding upper tips, now horizontal and in the water, are not destined for maturity. A span of 45 cm, a single leaf is a thing to see.
From green buds to glowing sea plants and baby geese on this foggy and fluorescent morning, my senses are filled with the ebb and flow of life.