Things from Sooke Library at New moon, summer, dark moon, 7th month of the Lunar calendar.
1001 Inventions That Changed The World
- wicked series of books, lots of bite sized info. Due back today.
Everything Music Theory Book - Marc Schonbrun
- i learned that scales have formulas and that helps.
Stargazing With Binoculars
- looked at the moon on gibbous waxing, reportedly a better time to see shadows. Me, binoculars, not so much.
The Universe In A Single Atom: the convergence of science and spirituality - HH Dalai Lama
- the Dalai Lama knows his quantum physics. Brilliant but slowgoing, so, much, thinking, - finish another time.
Tibetan Phrasebook
- who knows why i do this to myself
Selected Stories from H.G. Wells - editor Ursula LeGuin
- so far, subversive
- we try to read more comics in summer. I love being an adult.
Fables v.1, 1001 Nights
The Goon v.1, v.5
Umbrella Academy v.1 & 2
The Wizard's Tale
- gorgeous art, same artist that did The Illustrated Hobbit.
Kids Books
- anybody can take out kids books.
Tibetan Tales For Little Buddhas
Forests of Secrets
Mary Gauthier Between Daylight & Dark
Fred Eaglesmith From The Paradise Motel
Luxury Car
The Gleaner's -Agnes Varda; brilliant, brilliant, beautiful, brilliant
Treat your library item's like you borrowed them from a friend. A friend you like.